Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (2024)


  • 1 Speaking Part 1
      • 1.0.1 1 Do you like art?
      • 1.0.2 2 Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)/ How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
  • 2 Comprehensive IELTS Band 8 Complete Preparation Course
      • 2.0.1 3 Are you good at art?
      • 2.0.2 4 What kind of paintings do people like?
      • 2.0.3 5 What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
      • 2.0.4 6 How often do you visit art galleries?
      • 2.0.5 7 What kinds of things do you like to draw?
      • 2.0.6 8 Is it easy to learn how to draw?
    • 2.1 Vocabulary

Art holds a special meaning for each one of us. For some people, it is an expression of their inner thoughts and relax after a hectic day, while for others it is just a method of earning money. So, in this questions of IELTS Speaking Part 1, organize your thoughts and speak them fluently.

Speaking Part 1

1 Do you like art?

I have a lifelong passion for art since I was a child. Beside the official art class in school, I also joined a drawing class in The Children’ House and my teachers were very pleased with my drawings. I also participated in some drawing competitions back then. Until now I still draw in my free time, although not as often as I used to do.

2 Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)/ How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

Yes, definitely. Learning arts, especially at a young age, can help stimulate children’s cognitive development and encourage them to think outside the box. Because they’re still little, their ideas are very fresh and lovely, which is worth appreciating.

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  • 100+ Video Lectures
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3 Are you good at art?

Art is a really vast subject, I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there, I would say I am pretty fine at it. But, I am surely not one of those who can make some masterpieces. I think I am good at it, all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years. They were a great help during my growing years and taught me lot of creativity. Now, I can easily draw simple day to day things like pen or a face.

4 What kind of paintings do people like?

In my opinion, people love hanging landscape paintings at home. Bringing in the beauty of Mother Nature somehow ease people’s mind after a long day at work. Another style of drawing that most people also like is portrait. It could be portraits of someone important to them or even their lovely pets.

5 What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

I think the mediation efficiency worth mentioning first. Colours in some ways reflect our thoughts and emotions very well and somehow stimulate our body to defend against our negativity inside. For me, in particular, I think what’s so interesting about painting is that you have no idea how harmonized colours can become until you actually try.

6 How often do you visit art galleries?

To tell you the truth, I have never visited art galleries before. Unless I have a guide to acknowledge me, art galleries would be quite boring for me.

7 What kinds of things do you like to draw?

My main inspiration is Japanese manga. The drawing topic is extremely varied, however only manga seems to show great potency for my level. I have a big collection at home and as I sometimes go through it again, I can see how much I’ve improved.

8 Is it easy to learn how to draw?

I think I must say it’s even challenging for a lot of people. I absolutely failed when it comes to drawing still life paintings like fruit and flowers. I think for those who succeed in drawing or arts in general, they first must have God-gifted talent, then comes to the long-term commitment to arts that requires extreme practice and high patience.


Here are the vocabularies for “art” with examples:

  • Still life: A painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects
    Eg:It is a beautiful depiction of still life
  • To have a passion for: To be enthusiastic about Something
    Eg: I have a passion for dancing and singing
  • To participate in: To join in
    Eg:Are you going to participate in the contest?”
  • Cognitive development: The construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making, etc..
    Eg:Reading helps in cognitive development
  • Think outside the box: Think creatively
    Eg: You should always think outside the box when writing a poetry
  • Masterpiece: A work of outstanding artistic skill
    Eg:This picture is really a masterpiece
  • Landscape: Scenery, a large area of land
    Eg:There is a beautiful landscape near the town
  • Portrait: A painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders
    Eg: Could you please draw a portrait for me?”
  • Meditation: Psychological treatment to stay calm
    Eg: I practice meditation every morning for 10 minutes
  • To be harmonized: To be well combined
    Eg: The luggage are harmonized in patterns of rectangles
  • To go through Something: To check Something again
    Eg:She has gone through something I guess?”

IELTS Actual Test Questions (July - October 2022)

Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (1)

4.8 of 5

Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (2)

4.6 of 5

Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (3)

4.8 of 5

Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (4)

4.8 of 5

Also check :

Art: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer (2024)


How to answer IELTS Speaking test part 1? ›

IELTS speaking part 1 is mostly about you and your life. If the question asks about YOU, you must answer about YOU – not about people in general. The questions are often very simple and basic in part 1, such as “Do you like …”. This means you should be straight forward and give a natural answer.

Are you good at art answers? ›

3 Are you good at art? Art is a really vast subject, I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there, I would say I am pretty fine at it. But, I am surely not one of those who can make some masterpieces. I think I am good at it, all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years.

How long should an answer be in part 1 of IELTS speaking? ›

Speaking part 1 is 4 to 5 minutes in length for 12 questions. If your fluency is strong, you will be able to give longer answers. If you often hesitate when you answer, then you will waste time and your answers will need to be shorter. If you have strong fluency then don't limit your answers to only two sentences.

Do you think art classes are necessary with answer? ›

2.Do you think art classes are necessary? I would have to say yes. Studies have shown that early exposure to the arts has positive effects on cognitive development and creativity in youngsters. Considering their youth, their thoughts can become authentic and beautiful.

What happens if we don t answer one question in IELTS Speaking? ›

If you don't answer at all, the Examiner can't bump your score.

Is IELTS Speaking part 1 graded? ›

The IELTS speaking test is graded by your performance in all parts of the test. The examiner will check your English language using the 4 marking criteria for each part of the test. If you are strong in speaking part 1 but not in the other parts, then you will not get a good score.

What is art best answer? ›

art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation.

How do you say you are good at art? ›

Some Compliments That You Can Use Instead!
  1. You are such a great artist! [works every time!]
  2. I really love your art! ...
  3. Your art is so cool! ...
  4. Great job! ...
  5. You have put a lot of work into this piece and it has paid off! ...
  6. Congratulations! ...
  7. You are awesome! ...
  8. This art could step on me and I'd thank them for it.
Jun 6, 2019

What is considered good at art? ›

Art is good when it masters the artistic elements and principles. A Formalist artist focuses on an artwork's form—the way it's made and what it looks like. In a successful piece of art, the visual features are most important: line quality, color, composition, and other artistic elements and principles.

What happens if I don't speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

Remember that the examiner will interrupt you at the 2-minute mark. Don't worry if this happens, as you have already shown the examiner that you can speak at length, appropriately extending your description.

Is one day enough to prepare for IELTS Speaking? ›

"We recommend that students spend a minimum of 6-8 weeks or 30 days preparing for the IELTS exam, focusing on grammar, reading, writing, listening & speaking. We also recommend test takers to spend about 3 to 4 hours every day improving their speed, test strategies and skills. "

Is it hard to score in IELTS Speaking? ›

Since it's structured like an interview, the Speaking test is a stressful exercise for many test-takers. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to not only reduce stress but attain a high score. Follow the 10 tips below and you'll be on your way to excelling on the IELTS Speaking test!

Do you really need to study art? ›

Learning through and about the arts enriches the experience of studying while at school as well as preparing students for life after school. Arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity.

Is it easy to draw ielts? ›

Yes, it is easy to learn how to draw the basics.

Can you be good at art without going to art school? ›

Can You Be an Artist, Without Going to Art School? Absolutely! In fact, believe it or not, there are some good reasons not to go to art school, including the fact that it can actually hinder your development, rather than help.

What mistakes should be avoided in IELTS Speaking? ›

Last-minute notes: Seven mistakes to avoid during your IELTS Speaking test
  • Trying to memorise answers.
  • Not speaking aloud and with confidence.
  • Going off-topic.
  • Giving yes or no answers without good elaboration.
  • Repeating the same words or phrases.
  • Overusing transition words.
  • Parroting the question and poor pronunciation.

What is the lowest score in IELTS Speaking? ›

Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence. To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors.

How can I avoid making mistakes in IELTS Speaking? ›

  1. IELTS Speaking tip #1: Use a conversational tone. Now, when you do your test, your examiner is testing your English conversational skills. ...
  2. IELTS Speaking tip #2: Avoid Overthinking. ...
  3. IELTS Speaking tip #3: Note-taking. ...
  4. IELTS Speaking tip #4: Avoid sounding rehearsed. ...
  5. IELTS Speaking tip #5: Don't self-correct too often.
Mar 1, 2022

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS Speaking? ›

  1. In Speaking, don't try to give a prepared speech, or talk about a different topic from the one you are asked to discuss.
  2. Always speak directly to the Examiner, not to the recording equipment.
  3. Whenever you reply 'Yes' or 'No' to the Examiner's questions, add more details to your answer.
3 days ago

Can I retake IELTS reading only? ›

You can now retake any one part of the test; Listening, Reading, Writing or Speaking without redoing all four parts.

Is 7.5 in Speaking good? ›

To be very honest, a score of 7.5 is good enough and consider as more than average and is eventually an acceptable score in countries like U.S and U.K.Therefore, we can say, that 7.5 IELTS Band Score is indeed a good score.

What are the 3 types of art? ›

The three fine arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture are sometimes also called the “major arts”, with “minor arts” referring to commercial or decorative art styles.

What is art 1 paragraph? ›

Art is a creative activity and technical skill. It produces a product, an object. Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, performing subjects, and expressing the author's thoughts. The product of art is called a work of art, for others to experience.

How can I express myself better in art? ›

The 5 Tips for Expressing your Emotions through Art
  1. Use tissue paper to express your emotions. ...
  2. Use clay. ...
  3. Use collage (colored paper, magazines, etc) ...
  4. Painting 1 or 2 colors as a starting point. ...
  5. Blackout poetry + drawing/painting.
Mar 26, 2020

Is being good in art a skill? ›

Fortunately, art skills are skills that anyone can learn, but make no mistake about it. If you want to succeed wildly as an artist, you're going to need some powerful skills. It's a non-negotiable.

How do I talk about my own art? ›

6 Tips for Artists on How to Talk about Their Art
  1. Know Your Target Audience. First and foremost, artists should assess what's meaningful to them in their work before they try to tell anyone else why it's important. ...
  2. Do Some Prep Work. ...
  3. Be Honest. ...
  4. Steer Clear of Description. ...
  5. Don't Oversell. ...
  6. Practice.
Mar 13, 2018

What are the 5 characteristics of a good art? ›

The traditional way of looking at art, namely the visual arts, suggests that there are five basic elements of an artwork – line, shape, color, texture and space.

Is art a skill or a talent? ›

The Talented Artist Myth

Some people believe that the heavens above gift precious few mere mortals with the talent of art. However, that is most definitely not the case. Art, like anything else, is a skill. It is a muscle that you exercise and develop.

What is skill in art? ›

Artist skills are abilities someone learns in order to create something unique. A person with artistic skills can use a variety of tools and methods to create works of art.

What are common mistakes in IELTS Speaking? ›

Tighten up your IELTS Speaking by avoiding common mistakes
  • Responding to a questions with Silence. ...
  • Flat, monotone pronunciation. ...
  • Simple vocabulary. ...
  • Short answers. ...
  • Opening to part 2 – repeating the question.

Is it OK to speak slowly in IELTS? ›

As long as you keep a steady pace, you will be fine. Avoid speaking very slow because the listener can get lost in what you are trying to say if it takes you a long time to say it. Alternatively, don't speak very fast as you may lose your coherence and the words might not be clear or easy to understand.

Is it okay to pause during IELTS Speaking? ›

This is because the speaker used chunking and pausing. Doing this across the three parts of your IELTS speaking test will make it easier for the examiner to understand and follow your ideas, and it will have a positive effect on your pronunciation score.

In which month is IELTS the easiest? ›

Which is the best month for IELTS? The examination board adds the speaking topics are generally during January, September, and May. Therefore, the best time to take this exam would be before the questions change, meaning in the months of August, April, and December.

Can I practice IELTS Speaking alone? ›

You do not always need a partner for IELTS speaking practice, you can do it by yourself too. Here are some steps you can follow in order to practice IELTS speaking test on your own: You need to understand the format of the speaking test properly.

Can I pass IELTS without preparation? ›

IELTS can be passed without being trained, but even if a person has a very good level of language, one will need to figure out how the test works and what the task requires. This applies to all parts of the test, as everything has to be built according to plan.

Which part of IELTS is most difficult? ›

Conclusion. As writing is the hardest part of the IELTS exam, Gurully assures you to provide the best IELTS practice platform for the upcoming exam. In addition, some of our experts recommended writing tips to organize your essay, understand the task properly, proofread your answer, and focus on the English language.

Is it hard to get a 6.5 in Speaking IELTS? ›

Scoring 5.5 or 6 may seem possible from 4.5 or 5 with more practice and preparation; however, reaching 6.5 is difficult but not impossible. It will require substantial practice on your part.

What is the toughest to score in IELTS? ›

The IELTS writing module is the toughest IELTS module for most students and remains clueless on how to get a good score. The IELTS writing section is uncertain in nature, making it a dreaded one for test-takers.

Can you learn art on your own? ›

Of course it's okay to be self-taught! After all, you don't need to go to an art school or receive a fancy degree in order to make art and call yourself an artist. That being said, if you don't have formal art education, you probably spend time searching for information on how to improve your skills.

What are the 3 main reasons we should study art? ›

  • Allows creative expression difficult to find in many traditional college courses.
  • Teaches problem solving and critical thinking.
  • Builds essential skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and critical judgment.
  • Helps you tolerate ambiguity.
  • Puts you in touch with other forms of cultural expression.

Do subjects in art matter? ›

It's important to understand the subject matter of a piece of art to understand the meaning of the piece of art overall. No matter what media is used to create a piece of art, it should have an identifiable subject matter.

Which parts of IELTS are easiest? ›

Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test is often referred to as the 'easiest' part. The reason for this, is the fact that the topics in part 1 are very familiar to you. You are asked questions about yourself, what you do and where you come from.

What is the easiest way to pass IELTS? ›

Our top 10 tips to prepare for your IELTS exam...
  1. Use authentic materials whenever possible. Listen to news and podcasts regularly. ...
  2. Make use of model answers. ...
  3. Make 'Fair Copies' of your essays. ...
  4. Practice makes perfect! ...
  5. Practice reading in English. ...
  6. Search for grammar tips online. ...
  7. Practice writing. ...
  8. Record yourself.

Is IELTS easier on computer or paper? ›

As the questions and content for both the computer-based and paper-based formats are the same, the difficulty level also remains unchanged. However, there are many advantages offered that make the students buy the idea that is computer-based IELTS easier than paper-based IELTS.

How many art students become artists? ›

Only 10 percent of art school graduates go on to become working artists, a new report says. Here, artist Monica Kelly does a live painting at the New Orleans Healing Center.

Can there be no art without a subject? ›

There is no work of art without a subject,” said Ortega — and with him here I do not demur. Subject matter isn't the only component of art, nor is it the most complicated, but it is the most fundamental. It is the component toward which all others are geared. Subject is what the artist presents.

Is art worth it as a career? ›

Unlike other career roles, there is no limit for the money you can earn through your artistic skill. There is high potential for high earnings if you have a unique skill and you have the ability to market yourself well.

How should I answer IELTS Speaking test? ›

IELTS Speaking test: 10 tips from Experts
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers.
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words.
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures.
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent.
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think.
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers.
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers.
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.

What questions are asked in Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test? ›

Part 1 of the test will last 4-5 minutes. It is customary that the examiner will ask your name first. He/she then will ask you to show your identity (passport in this case) and want to know what you do, where are you from and some basic conversation-starter questions.

How to start a sentence in IELTS Speaking part 1? ›

Introductory Prompt Phrases
  1. Today, I'd like to talk to you about….
  2. In this talk, I'm going to describe to you how….
  3. I want to tell you about….
  4. Today, I would like to discuss…
  5. Good morning/Good afternoon. Today, I want to give you a short talk on…
Jun 7, 2016

What is the pattern of IELTS Speaking part 1? ›

In part 1 of the Speaking test the examiner will introduce him or herself and ask general questions on familiar topics. The examiner will ask you to confirm your identity. He or she will then ask general questions on familiar topics such as home, family, work, studies and interests.

How can I impress my IELTS speaking examiner? ›

The examiner is interested in your own thoughts and ideas, so be honest and express yourself in your own unique way. Try to speak in a natural and conversational tone of voice. Use words and phrases that you are comfortable with and that come naturally to you.

What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking? ›

Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence. To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors.

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

  1. In Speaking, don't try to give a prepared speech, or talk about a different topic from the one you are asked to discuss.
  2. Always speak directly to the Examiner, not to the recording equipment.
  3. Whenever you reply 'Yes' or 'No' to the Examiner's questions, add more details to your answer.
3 days ago

Is eye contact important in IELTS Speaking? ›

Your IELTS interviewer isn't expecting you to speak like a news presenter. However, mumbling and avoiding eye contact wouldn't do you any favours. It helps to interact with your examiner as you would with a colleague or friend and occasionally smile as well as maintain good eye contact.

Is IELTS Speaking test hard? ›

Since it's structured like an interview, the Speaking test is a stressful exercise for many test-takers. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to not only reduce stress but attain a high score. Follow the 10 tips below and you'll be on your way to excelling on the IELTS Speaking test!

Does IELTS repeat Speaking questions? ›

During the IELTS speaking test, there may be a question you do not understand. If that happens, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question or explain a word. Please note, while it's ok to ask for some clarification or explanation, you cannot ask for it over and over again during the exam.

How do I introduce myself in IELTS speaking? ›

You can frame a good self-introduction by including the following points, which are as follows:
  1. Be confident in your tone and body language.
  2. Make sure you find yourself at ease and greet the examiner with a smile.
  3. If the examiner asks you a question regarding your country, then answer in brief.
Apr 26, 2023

What is the best intro for IELTS speaking? ›

It is always good to say “I live in (name of the city)” then “I hail from (name of the city).” It is good to be as formal as you can be. Do not say anything that might look awkward. You can say, “I am 21 years old” but do not say as follows: “I am in my early twenties.”

How can I improve my part 1 speaking? ›

  1. #1 Know what to expect when you walk into the room.
  2. #2 Not to short, not too long.
  3. #3 Don't memorize your answers.
  4. #4 Take several deep breaths before you begin.
  5. #5: Answer the question.
  6. #6 Don't worry if the examiner stops you.
  7. #7 Don't try and study for every possible topic.
  8. #8 It's OK to give negative answers.

How many words should I write in IELTS part 1? ›

IELTS Writing: Word Count Rules

IELTS have set a task of writing OVER 150 words for IELTS writing task 1 and 250 for writing task 2. However, there is no upper word limit.

How to describe your hometown in IELTS? ›

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Hometown
  1. Well, I live in Toronto, which is a quite cosmopolitan city in Canada. ...
  2. Where I live is a very lively place. ...
  3. I live in the suburbs. ...
  4. I live in a residential area, in a town, in India. ...
  5. My hometown is located in Italy. ...
  6. My hometown, Tokyo, is a huge metropolitan city.
Oct 12, 2021

How long does the Speaking exam usually take? ›

The Speaking test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and consists of an interview between the test taker and a trained and certified examiner. Click the parts of the test to find out more.

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.