Features (2024)


The island of Jamaica can be divided into three main types of land forms:the central mountain chain formed byigneous and metamorphic rocks; the karst limestonehills in the co*ckpit area; the low-lying coastalplains and interior valleys. Limestone formation occurs allover the island, but especially in the western areas.

The most striking physical feature of Jamaica is themountainous nature of its surface. Nearly half the island is over 300 metres(1,000 ft) above sea-level). The central chain of mountains runs east towest, forming a backbone through the middle of the island. From the centralrange other ranges run north and south; and from these ridges subordinatespurs branch off in every direction until nearly the whole surface of theisland is cut up into ridges and valleys.

The mountain system may be divided into three parts:

  • The eastern section composed ofthe Blue Mountains and the John Crow Mountains.
  • The central region, formed chieflyof limestone, extending from Stony Hill to the co*ckpit country.
  • The western section with DolphinHead as its centre.


The Eastern Section: TheBlue Mountains run for about 75 kilometres (44 miles) through the countyof Surrey and a part of Middlesex. These are the highest mountains in Jamaica,reaching 2,250 metres (7,402 ft) at Blue Mountain Peak. Subordinate ridgesrun north and south from the main ridge.

On the south there are the Port Royal Mountains, a complicated series ofridges, which run south from Catherine's Peak, 1,537 metres (5,506 ft),towards the sea near Albion in St. Thomas. The Queensbury Ridge, startingfrom Blue Mountain Peak, separates the valley of the Negro River from thatof the Yallahs.

Three great ridges branch off to the north. The first branches off fromBlue Mountain Peak toward the sea near St. Margaret's Bay in Portland,separating the valley of the Rio Grande from that of the Swift River. Thesecond starts from Silver Hill near Catherine's Peak and forms the watershedbetween the Buff Bay River and the Spanish River. The third is a very highridge starting from Fox's Gap at the boundary of St. Mary and Portlandand sending out several spurs which reach the sea between Buff Bay andAnnotto Bay.

The John Crow Mountains are the most easterly mountains of Jamaica. Theyrun from the north-west to the south-east in the parish of Portland, anddivide the Rio Grande valley from the east coast of the island.

The Central Range: This range beginswest of Stony Hill, 400 metres (1,361 ft), where the main road to the northcrosses the mountains and stretches westwards till it merges into the co*ckpitCountry. It divides into two parts. One, chiefly of limestone formation,extends west through the Mammee Hill and the Red Hills expending itselfat Bog Walk. The other runs in a north-easterly direction forming the boundaryline between St. Mary and St. Catherine. Passing through Guy's Hill, itcontinues as a well-defined range to Mount Diablo. It then becomes irregularand broken, finally merging with the co*ckpit country.

The co*ckpit country of south Trelawny and parts of St. Elizabeth andSt. James is a region of broken elevations and depressions It is peculiarlywild in character. Formed of white limestone, jagged and irregular, itis dissected by deep sink holes and steep-sided circular arenas. Theseare formed because of the intense solution of limestone by rain water.

The Western Range: These mountainsextend through Westmoreland and Hanover, reaching a height of 600 metres(1,809 ft) at Birch's Hill. Dolphin Head, so called because of its appearance,is a landmark seen from far out at sea to the south.

Other Important Mountains: The DonFigueroa, the May Day and Carpenter Mountains pass through the parish ofManchester lying roughly in an arc north-west to south-coast. The mountainsof St. Catherine, to the north of Spanish Town, are a continuation of theRed Hills system of St. Andrew. through which the Rio Cobre has cut itsgorge. They are called the St. John, the St. Dorothy and the Guy's HillMountains. The Hellshire Hills, to the extreme south of St. Catherine,are an independent group of limestone hills. The Pedro and Dry HarbourMountains are in the parish of St. Ann. The Mocho Range and the Bull HeadMountains are in the parish of Clarendon. They are both independent mountainranges. Bull Head Mountain marks the centre of the island.


St. ThomasBlue Mountain Peak2,2507,402
Mossman's Peak2,0366,700
PortlandSugar Loaf Peak2,1287,000
John Crow Mountains, highest point1,1403,750
St. AndrewSir John's Peak1,9256,332
Catherine's Peak1,5375,056
Silver Hill Gap1,0673,513
Hardwar Gap1,2164,000
Newcastle Parade Ground1,1253,702
Stony Hill, where main road crosses4001,361
St. CatherineJuan de Bolas Mountain8332,473
Guy's Hill6382.100
Mount Diablo, Hollymount8372,754
Mount Diablo, where main road crosses5471,800
ClarendonBull Head8452,782
ManchesterColeyville, Mount Denham9843,236
MandevilleCourt House6262,060
St. ElizabethMunro College7782,560
HanoverDolphin Head5441,789

Since the principal range of mountains runs from west to east, therivers. which start on their slopes, generally flow north or south. Sincethe principal range of mountains runs from west to east, the rivers, whichstart on their slopes, generally flow north or south.

Most of the rivers in Jamaica are not navigable. The height of the mountainscauses them to run swiftly in deep beds, and their courses are sometimesbroken by waterfalls. One exception is the Black River, the largest riverin Jamaica. It is 73 kilometres (44 miles) long, and for 28 kilometres(17 miles) from its mouth it is navigable for small vessels.

The rivers of Portland, which have their source in the Blue Mountains,flow very swiftly, and can be very destructive in time of heavy rainfall.The Rio Grande, rising on the northern slopes of the Blue Mountains, isa large river which has its course through some of the wildest and mostbeautiful scenery in the island. Rafting on this river has become, in recentyears, a popular sporting pastime. Other main rivers of Portland are theSwift, Spanish, and Buff Bay.

The Wag Water (formerly Agua Alta) rises in the mountains of St. Andrewand flows through the parish of St. Mary, entering the sea west of AnnottoBay. The Hope River rises in the hills near Newcastle and enters the seaabout 10 kilometres (6 miles) east of Kingston. Both the Wag Water andthe Hope river supply Kingston with water.

The Milk River, which is navigable for some 3 kilometres (2 miles),supplies a system of canals for the irrigation of the plains of Vere inClarendon. Rising at Windsor in the interior of Trelawny, the Martha Braedischarges to the east of Falmouth. The chief river of Westmoreland, theCabaritta, waters the alluvial district of the area.

With its tributaries rising in the Above Rocks district in St. Andrew,the Rio Cobre runs through St. Catherine, and is used for providing irrigationand drinking water. The Plantain Garden River in St. Thomas is the onlyimportant river which does not follow the general rule of flowing northor south. Flowing south in its upper course, it turns east upon meetingthe coastal range of hills. It then flows through the fertile PlantainGarden River Valley and enters the sea at Holland Bay.

Special mention must be made of the underground rivers in the limestoneregion. The Cave and Hectors Rivers are notable examples. The porous natureof the limestone accounts for the scarcity of water in the central districts.The parish of St. Ann, because it is chiefly of limestone formation, hasno rivers in its interior. When swollen by exceptional rainfall the undergroundreservoirs sometimes rise to the surface as lakes. The Moneague Lake nearMoneague last rose in 1970 and disappeared in 1971.


St. Thomas - The Plantain GardenRiver. Yallahs and Morant Rivers

Portland - The Rio Grande, Swift.Buff Bay and Spanish Rivers

St. Andrew - The Hope and Cane Rivers

St. Catherine - The Rio Cobre andFerry Rivers

St. Mary - The Wag Water, Dry River.Rio Nuevo and the White River

(The White River forms the boundary between St. Mary and St. Ann )

St. Ann - Roaring River, LlandoveryRiver and the Rio Bueno between Trelawny and St. Ann.

Between St. Ann and Clarendon -The Cave River.

Clarendon - The Milk River and RioMinho.

St. Elizabeth - The Black River.

Trelawny -The Martha Brae River.

St. James- The Great River which divides St. James from Hanover and Westmoreland

Westmoreland - The Cabaritta River.

The plains of Jamaica lie chiefly on the southern side ofthe island, and are all of alluvial formation. The principal plains arethe Liguanea Plain in Kingston and St. Andrew, the Rio Cobre and St. DorothyPlains in St. Catherine, the Plain of Vere in Clarendon, the Pedro Plainin St. Elizabeth, and the George's Plain in Westmoreland. The valleys ofthe Morant and Yallahs Rivers, and the Plantain Garden River Valley inSt. Thomas, are fertile, low-lying areas formed chiefly of alluvium depositedby the rivers.

Kingston Harbour, the seventh largest natural harbourin the world, contains about 13 kilometres (8 miles) of navigable water.It is almost completely landlocked by the Palisadoes, the narrow stripof land which ends at Port Royal, leaving a deep channel through whicheven the largest ships can sail. During the wars of the seventeenth andeighteenth centuries, all the British naval vessels stationed in the WestIndies could anchor inside the harbour. Modern developments have made KingstonHarbour an excellent port for shipping of all kinds, including the largestcontainer vessels.

In 1962 a gigantic dredging operation was commenced on the West Kingstonshoreline, as a result of. which some 750 hectares (300 acres) of landwere reclaimed from the sea. On this land, called Newport West, a berthingand cargo-storing complex was established. A similar dredging operationto create Newport East was also completed, some 283 hectares (120 acres)of land having be reclaimed. All shipping is now concentrated at theselocations which together are known as Port Bustamante. This modern complexreplaced the fourteen finger wharves which once ran out into the harbourfrom the Kingston waterfront.

Port Antonio on the north coast, with its twin harbours, was once Jamaica'ssecond port, Montego Bay's open harbour being too exposed to 'northers',but an extensive deepwater harbour has been built in the vicinity of theBogue islands, and is in use with three berths available. The area is namedFreeport.

Ocho Rios and Port Rhoades on the north and Port Kaiser and Port Esquivelon the south are important ports from which bauxite and alumina are exported.Other important harbours are Lucea, St. Ann's Bay, Oracabessa and PortMaria on the north, and Morant Bay, Salt River and Black River on the southcoast. Runaway Bay and Columbus Cays are mainly of historical interest.

Several small islands, called cays, lie at various pointsoff the coast of Jamaica. The most important of these are the Morant Caysand the Pedro Cays. The Morant Cays, four in number, lie on a crescent-shapedshoal 55 kilometres (33 miles) south-east of Morant Point. The Pedro Cays,also four in number, are situated on the Pedro Bank about 66 kilometres(40 miles) south of Portland Point. The Port Royal Cays lie outside Kingstonharbour.

Mineral springs are to be found in Jamaica, some of themof high therapeutic value. The most important are the warm, saline andradioactive spring at Milk River in Clarendon, the hot, sulphurous springat Bath in St. Thomas, the Black River Spa in St. Elizabeth, the MoffatSpring on the White River. There are also mineral baths fed by cold springsat Rockfort, near Kingston, and at Port Henderson in St. Catherine.

I'm a geology enthusiast with a deep understanding of Jamaica's physical features, particularly its diverse landforms and geological formations. The information you provided about Jamaica's geography is comprehensive, and I'd like to delve into the concepts mentioned in the article.

1. Central Mountain Chain:

  • Composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
  • Spans the island from east to west, forming a backbone.
  • Gives rise to various subordinate spurs, creating a ridged landscape.

2. Karst Limestone Hills (co*ckpit Area):

  • Located in the co*ckpit area.
  • Characterized by jagged and irregular limestone formations.
  • Features deep sinkholes and steep-sided circular arenas due to intense limestone solution by rainwater.

3. Coastal Plains and Interior Valleys:

  • Low-lying areas along the coast and interior valleys.
  • Limestone formation prevalent, especially in the western regions.

4. Mountainous Nature:

  • Nearly half the island is over 300 meters above sea level.
  • Central mountain range runs east to west, with additional ranges branching off north and south.
  • Three main sections: Eastern (Blue Mountains and John Crow Mountains), Central (limestone formation), and Western (including Dolphin Head).

5. Major Mountain Ranges:

  • Blue Mountains: Highest in Jamaica, reaching 2,250 meters at Blue Mountain Peak.
  • John Crow Mountains: Most easterly range, dividing the Rio Grande valley from the east coast.
  • Central Range: Divides into limestone and non-limestone parts, stretching westwards.

6. High Mountain Peaks and Passes:

  • Various peaks in different parishes, including Blue Mountain Peak, Sugar Loaf Peak, Sir John's Peak, and Bull Head.
  • Mention of significant mountain passes like Silver Hill Gap and Hardwar Gap.

7. Rivers:

  • Most rivers flow north or south due to the west-to-east orientation of the principal mountain range.
  • Black River, the largest, is navigable for a significant distance.
  • Mention of rivers like Rio Grande, Wag Water, Hope River, Milk River, and others.

8. Plains:

  • Plains predominantly on the southern side of the island.
  • Notable plains include Liguanea Plain, Rio Cobre Plains, St. Dorothy Plains, Pedro Plain, and George's Plain.

9. Harbors and Bays:

  • Kingston Harbour, the seventh largest natural harbor globally, landlocked by the Palisadoes.
  • Modern developments, including Port Bustamante in Kingston and Freeport in Montego Bay.
  • Other important ports like Port Antonio, Ocho Rios, and Port Rhoades.

10. Cays:

  • Mention of Morant Cays, Pedro Cays, and Port Royal Cays located off the coast.

11. Mineral Springs:

  • Various mineral springs with therapeutic value, including warm, saline, and radioactive springs at Milk River, hot sulphurous spring at Bath, Black River Spa, and others.

This overview highlights the geological richness and diversity of Jamaica's landscape, shaped by mountains, limestone formations, rivers, plains, harbors, and mineral springs. If you have any specific questions or if there's more you'd like to explore, feel free to ask!

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