Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (2024)

When you are preparing for long-distance road trips, you may be wondering if it’s better to drive long distance at night or day.

There are so many things to consider before you make this decision, but not all of them are obvious, and there are many factors that can also alter your choice.

So I’m here to break it all down and help you decide the best option for you!

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Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (2)

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? Things To Consider

When you are mapping out your route for your road trip, here are a few things to consider in order to make the most educated decision on whether it is better to drive long-distance at night or during the day.


Traffic can play a huge part in your decision to either drive during the day or night. Traffic can cause delays and accidents and can also make driving much more stressful.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (3)


How well you can see the road and potential obstacles is something you should absolutely consider when planning your road trip. You want to make sure that you stay safe and can make quick decisions while driving.


Distractions play such a huge role in car accidents. Whether the distractions are in the car or outside of it, you need to consider how these might affect your decision to drive at nighttime or daytime.


Fatigue can be just as dangerous as drunk driving so you want to make sure you are well-rested before your journey, regardless of what time of day you travel. Knowing what causes you to get sleepy is important before choosing what time to drive.


If you are taking a long distance drive, you will need to fill up the gas tank and take bathroom breaks. Knowing when facilities are open can affect your decision on when to travel.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (4)

Driving During The Day Vs. Driving At Night

So now that we’ve broken down some of the things you should consider before deciding if it’s better to drive long distance at night or day, here are some pros and cons for each option.

Pros of Driving During The Day

Better visibility

If you are driving during the day, you’ll have much better visibility. Even if it’s raining or cloudy, you will still be able to see much better than nighttime driving.

Being able to see well means that you can see the other vehicles around you and be able to react quickly to any obstacles or traffic changes.

You will also be able to navigate better because you’ll see the road signs sooner and know when a turn is coming up or if there is anything you need to be aware of. Speed limit signs will also be easier to see.

Facilities are open

When you travel in the daytime, you won’t have to worry about businesses being closed. You’ll have plenty of gas station and restaurant options, and you also should have no issue finding places to stop and use the restroom.

I can get stressed about finding gas stations when my tank is running low or finding a restroom when I have to go to the bathroom, but when I travel during the day I know there’s a much better chance of places being open.

Can stay awake better

Sunlight naturally helps keep your body awake and alert, so driving during the day will automatically make it easier to combat fatigue.

It’s also easier to get a better sleep when you are sleeping at night, so if you get your rest overnight, you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your drive.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (5)

Dangers of Driving During The Day

More traffic

The daytime is when the majority of the world is working and awake, so naturally there will be more people on the road going to their jobs and running their errands.

More traffic = higher chance of accidents and slower travel time.

Lots of vehicles inching along the highway bumper to bumper can be very stressful in any situation, but especially when you are trying to get somewhere far away.

More roadside distractions

It seems there are more and more things to distract us when we are driving these days. Loads of flashy billboards, beautiful scenery, fancy cars whipping through traffic…the list goes on. There are more of these things during the day and therefore there is a higher risk of being distracted by them.

More construction

While some construction does happen at night, the majority of road work is completed during the day. This can cause serious delays and also accidents if drivers aren’t paying attention.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (6)

Pros of Driving At Night

Less traffic

There is a lot less traffic on the road at night than during the day, which means you can usually get through cities faster and with less stress.

Better fuel efficiency

Going along with the previous note, if you aren’t hitting stop-and-go traffic and can keep a consistent speed, you’ll get better gas mileage which in turn saves you money on your road trip. That’s always a good thing!

Kids can sleep

If you are traveling with children, it can be really nice to drive at night because the kids can fall asleep and you have a better chance of making fewer stops because you won’t need to stop for food or bathroom breaks as often.

Fewer distractions along the road

While the stunning scenery may still be there, you can’t see it at night. This may seem like a downside at first, but it also means that you won’t be turning your head constantly to look at it. You’ll be focused more on the road because there isn’t much else to distract you.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (7)

Dangers of Driving At Night

Low visibility

Obviously, if it’s dark outside, you won’t be able to see as well as in the daytime. A lot of towns and cities do have good street and highway lamps, but it still isn’t as good as the sun.

When you can’t see as well, you won’t have as much warning if something is in the road, and you won’t be able to see road signs as quickly. These things can cause you to hit the brakes or turn too quickly, which can cause accidents.

Bad weather conditions can also make night driving much worse and impair your visibility greatly.

Glare on windshield

The headlights from other cars can cause glare on your windshield, which can then cause night blindness. This could create a lot of problems for you and for anyone else on the road if you are unable to react to something while driving because you don’t see it.

Many facilities are closed

While there are a lot of gas stations and rest stops that are open all night, if you are driving through more rural areas, there may not be any 24-hour facilities open. This could be a problem if you are running out of gas and nothing is open, or if you are hungry but can’t find any food.

Higher risk of fatigue

When the sun goes down, you are more likely to be fatigued or fall asleep at the wheel, which is just as dangerous as driving drunk.

Even if you’ve slept during the day, many people have a hard time staying awake when it’s dark out, so it can be dangerous to drive at night if you can’t stay alert.

Prevalence of drunk drivers

The nighttime is also when the number of drunk drivers rises, which can cause accidents and fatalities. Also, as mentioned above, there will be lots of tired drivers on the road too, which can be just as dangerous.

People more likely to speed

When there’s a wide-open road ahead of you at night, it can be more tempting to speed because there aren’t as many cars. But speeding is still one of the main causes of accidents, so when you are driving at night, you may find yourself driving faster than you should and wind up having an accident.

More animals on the road

I’m not sure what your experience with nocturnal animals is, but I have had so many close calls with deer, raccoons, opossums, and other nighttime animals I can’t even count. And 9 times out of 10, it was either at night or at dusk/dawn. This is when the critters come out, and they do not have any regard for traffic. You have a much higher chance of hitting an animal on the road at night than during the day.

Higher chance of accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you are three times more likely to get into an accident driving at night than driving during the day. They recommend you should avoid driving at night when you can.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (8)

What Is The Busiest Time For A Long Drive?

The busiest driving time of the day is between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm Monday through Friday.

This is because people are commuting home from work during these hours, but people are also heading out to social events, like sports practices, dinner reservations, going to the movies, etc. This is why traffic is worse in the afternoon commute than the morning commute since in the morning it’s mostly work traffic.

If you are trying to decide the best time to leave for a road trip, it is early in the morning between 5:00 am and 6:00 am. This is because there is less traffic on the roads and statistically the fewest amount of accidents during this time frame. This is also before rush hour traffic starts so you can get out of your city before the commuters head to work.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (9)

Are There Better Days To Drive Long Distances?

If you are looking for the best day to drive long-distance, Sunday is the day that tends to have the least amount of traffic on the roads.

However, Tuesdays have the least amount of crashes according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

What Is The Worst Day of The Week To Travel By Car?

If there’s a day that is best to avoid if you are looking to take a long-distance road trip, Saturdays are known for having the most accidents due to the increased presence of drunk drivers and the most people speeding.

Holidays can also be bad days to drive due to the increased number of people traveling to visit family. The 4th of July is probably the most dangerous day to travel. The days before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day are also very busy travel days.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (10)

How Should I Prepare For A Long Drive?

Before any long road trip, here are some things you should do to make sure your journey is safe and you can avoid as many issues as possible.

related: what to pack for a road trip: the ultimate list

Have a roadside emergency kit

You never know when something might happen out on the road, so it’s always a good idea to have a roadside emergency kit so you are prepared.

Some things that should be in the kit include:

  • Spare tire & jack
  • Jumper cables or portable car battery
  • Portable air compressor (optional but nice to have)
  • Flare/cones & reflective vest
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Phone charger
  • Blanket
  • First aid kit
  • Water and food
  • Car manual
  • Shovel, windshield scraper, and hat & gloves (for winter travel)

Having these items can save you a lot of money and stress on the chance you need them.

Consider buying roadside assistance

For even more peace of mind, look into getting a membership with AAA or a similar company. This is a great thing to have in case your run out of gas or need a tow somewhere.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (11)

Have a physical map/atlas

Sometimes your phone dies. Sometimes you’re driving through an area with little to no service and your GPS goes wonky.

Keeping a road atlas or map in your car is a good idea in case you can’t rely on your navigation system.

These also make thoughtful and unique gifts for the travelers in your life.

related: best travel gifts for a road trip lover

Get your car tuned up

It’s always a good idea to take your car in for an oil change, tire rotation, and inspection before setting off on a long journey. You want to make sure you get any issues addressed before hitting the road.

You should also have your mechanic check that your headlights are properly aligned, and also restore or replace cloudy headlights so you will be able to see the best you can at night.

Clean the windshield

This is a simple but often overlooked chore that you should do before leaving. Give your windshield a good cleaning, both inside and outside, to help prevent glare and allow you to see clearly when driving.

Plan your stops and route

By taking some time to figure out where you want to take your breaks and which route is the best option, you can avoid running into stressful situations, like city rush hours, construction, and not being able to find a gas station when your tank is on empty.

You don’t have to be super strict about this and have every aspect scheduled out to the minute, but taking some time to assess your route and coming up with a few ideas for bathroom, gas, and food stops will make the whole drive go a lot smoother.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (12)

Check the weather

You can’t often change your travel dates in order to avoid bad weather, but knowing what to expect will allow you the ability to adjust your schedule if needed to accommodate slower traffic and the possibility of delays or road detours.

Get a good amount of sleep

Regardless of whether you are going to drive during the day or night, you should make sure you get some sleep before heading out. This will ensure that you stay alert and safe and it will allow you to drive longer before needing to take a break.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (13)

Safety Tips For A Long Drive

So you’ve done all your preparation and you are ready to take your long-distance drive. Here are a few tips to keep you and your passengers as safe as possible during the road trip.

  • Take rest breaks often. Use them to stretch, go to the restroom, eat something, or visit an attraction.
  • Know your limits and drive a realistic number of hours. Don’t be a hero and push beyond what is comfortable and safe for you.
  • Have your GPS device mounted on your dashboard, windshield, or somewhere you can see it without having to look down or away from the road so you can navigate safely.
  • Don’t use your phone while driving. As mentioned above, if you are using it to navigate, secure it and leave it alone until you stop.
  • If you are traveling with your spouse or someone else who is sharing the driving load, take turns as needed to keep yourself fresh and alert. You can also chat and ask each other questions to stay awake and keep boredom at bay.
  • Minimize distractions! Distractions can be so many things: food, changing the radio station or playlist, adjusting the car controls, reaching for objects, and pets and kids. If you need to deal with a child or grab something far away, pull the car over in a safe area first and then address the issue.
  • If you are traveling solo, let someone else know your route and plans in case things go wrong or you can’t be reached.
  • Drive the speed limit. This should be a no-brainer, but speeding is the cause of so many accidents. Be safe and don’t let a speeding ticket ruin your trip, either.
  • If you need to drink caffeine to keep yourself alert, go ahead, but don’t overdo it! Too much caffeine can have negative effects on your ability to drive safely.
  • Use your headlights when needed. It’s good practice to use them most of the time, but it’s especially important at night, during bad weather and low visibility situations, and when going through road construction zones. When driving at night, use your high beams when appropriate so you have the most visibility possible.
  • Keep the vehicle interior lights dimmer at night. This will help your eyes transition from looking at the lights on your dash to looking through the windshield at the road.
  • Keep a safe driving distance between you and any vehicles ahead of you.
  • Keep the car temperature on the cooler side. This will keep you more alert. A warm car can make you sleepy and more likely to drift off.
  • Last but certainly not least, wear your seatbelt!
Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (14)

Conclusion: Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day?

I hope this post has helped you make the decision that is best for you and your passengers on whether or not you should drive long distances at night or during the day. No matter what you decide, safety should be your number one priority, not only for you but for everyone on the road.

Your turn: do you tend to drive long distances at nighttime or daytime? Let me know in the comments!

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Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (15)

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (16)

Stefanie Henne

Stefanie Henne is an experienced road trip travel blogger who specializes in helping others plan their dream vacation, no matter their budget or time restraints. Go here to read more about Stef's story. If you want to send Stef a message, visit her contact page here.

Is It Better To Drive Long Distance At Night Or Day? | Open Road Odysseys (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.