Regulatory Compliance in the Financial Industry: Why It Matters in 2023 (2024)

Regulatorycompliance is critical in the financial industry because it ensures thatfinancial institutions operate within legal and ethical boundaries.Noncompliance with regulatory requirements can result in significant legal andfinancial penalties, as well as reputational harm.

In thisarticle, we will define regulatory compliance, explain why it is important, anddiscuss how financial institutions can ensure they are in compliance withapplicable regulations.

The process ofensuring that financial institutions operate within legal and ethicalboundaries is referred to as regulatory compliance.

Compliance withlaws, regulations, and guidelines established by regulatory bodies, such as theSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry RegulatoryAuthority (FINRA), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is part of this(CFPB).

Riskmanagement, record keeping, customer due diligence, anti-money laundering, anddata protection are all examples of regulatory compliance activities. To ensurecompliance with relevant regulations, financial institutions must havepolicies, procedures, and controls in place.

What Is the Significance of Regulatory Compliance?

Regulatorycompliance is critical for a number of reasons. To begin with, it protectscustomers from fraud and other unethical practices.

Noncompliantfinancial institutions may engage in activities that harm customers, such asmisrepresenting investment opportunities, charging hidden fees, or failing toprotect customer data.

Second,regulatory compliance contributes to the financial system's stability.Financial institutions that do not follow regulations may engage in activitiesthat endanger the financial system's stability, such as investing in high-riskassets or engaging in predatory lending practices.

Finally,regulatory compliance is critical for financial institutions' reputations.Noncompliance with regulations can result in severe reputational harm, makingit more difficult for financial institutions to attract customers, partners,and investors.

What Steps Can Financial Institutions Take to Ensure Regulatory Compliance?

A set of bestpractices can help financial institutions ensure regulatory compliance. Theseare some examples:

Recognizingrelevant regulations

Financialinstitutions must be well-versed in all relevant regulations and guidelines.This includes staying up to date on any changes to regulations and ensuringthat all employees understand their responsibilities under these regulations.

Puttingin place a compliance program

Financialinstitutions should establish a compliance program that outlines policies,procedures, and controls to ensure regulatory compliance. This program shouldbe reviewed on a regular basis and updated as needed to reflect changes inregulations or operating conditions.

Performingrisk assessments

Regular riskassessments should be conducted by financial institutions to identify potentialareas of noncompliance and to take steps to mitigate these risks. This couldinclude adding more controls, training employees, or changing policies andprocedures.

Staff trainingfinancial institutions should provide regular regulatory compliance training for their employees. Training on relevant regulations, policies, and procedures, aswell as training on ethical behavior and best practices, should be included.

Testingand monitoring

Financialinstitutions should have systems in place to monitor and test regulatorycompliance. This could include routine internal audits, external reviews, orself-evaluations.


Financialinstitutions must have procedures in place to report violations of applicableregulations. This may include required reporting to regulatory bodies,customers, or other stakeholders.

What Are the Consequences of Noncompliance?

Noncompliancewith relevant regulations can result in serious legal, financial, andreputational consequences. These are some examples:


Financialinstitutions that fail to comply with applicable regulations may face legalconsequences, such as fines, penalties, and lawsuits. This can result insignificant financial costs as well as damage to the institution's reputation.


Noncompliancecan also result in financial risks such as lost revenue, higher costs, andreputational harm. Financial institutions, for example, may lose customers orface increased regulatory scrutiny, which can result in additional costs.

Risksto one's reputation

Noncompliancecan also have serious consequences for one's reputation. Financial institutionsthat fail to comply with regulations risk negative publicity, brand damage, anda loss of customer trust.

This can makeit difficult for institutions to attract new customers, partners, or investors,as well as to retain existing ones.


Noncompliancecan also result in operational risks, such as disruptions in businessoperations, data loss, or customer information breaches. These risks can impairfinancial institutions' ability to operate effectively and result insignificant financial costs.

What Are the Main Challenges of Compliance in the Financial Industry in 2023?

The financialsector is determined to tackle compliance issues head on. However, there arestill many pitfalls they should look out for.

On one hand,banks, which are inherently conservative institutions, attempt to achievecompliance throughout their massive scale operations, often by leveraging theirestablished nature and longevity in what concerns relations with governments.

On the other hand,the Fintech and crypto industries while challenging banks, need to ensurethat in their battle against traditionalism they remain compliant in whatconcerns financial technology.

Staying up todate with the constantly evolving regulatory framework and the often-disruptivefinancial technological advances isn’t an easy task, so we’ve highlighted 4 of themost critical areas in which financial institutions on both sides of the aisleshould tread lightly.

  1. Keepingup with consumer laws: historically, consumer laws have consistently presentedthemselves as a challenge. This happens as a direct consequence of having aplethora of laws which need to be upheld and which inherently have anevolutionary nature.
  2. Fightingagainst cyber-attacks: financial institutions are well-known hacker honeypots.As such, maintaining compliance is quintessential as it can make or break anyinstitution within the financial sector. Keeping threats at bay, however, isneither easy nor a straightforward process as regulatory standards evolve (much ofthe time at a slower rate than technological advances).
  3. Datasecurity: threats are one thing, data privacy and data protection, however, arecompletely different. As such, processing data, storing data, and the company’ssecurity procedures need to be in line with the latest compliance frameworks.
  4. Compliancecosts: keeping costs in check when it comes to compliance isn’t always easy.Between the actual costs of keeping up with the rules, there are alsoregulatory fines, the salary of a company’s compliance officers, and many otherthings which should be factored into the equation. As such, a company can losecontrol of its spending really fast which is why it is undeniably important toknow how to properly allocate resources and effectively manage costs.


Regulatorycompliance is critical in the financial industry because it ensures thatfinancial institutions operate within legal and ethical boundaries. Compliancewith relevant regulations is critical for the protection of customers, thestability of the financial system, and the reputation of financialinstitutions.

Understandingrelevant regulations, establishing a compliance program, conducting riskassessments, training staff, monitoring, and testing, and reportingnoncompliance are all best practices that financial institutions can use toensure regulatory compliance.

Noncompliancewith applicable regulations can result in significant legal, financial, andreputational risks, such as fines, penalties, lost revenue, increased costs,and harm to the institution's reputation.

As a result,financial institutions must take regulatory compliance seriously and take allnecessary steps to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

By doing so,financial institutions can operate with confidence, knowing that they areoperating within legal and ethical boundaries and providing the highest levelsof protection and service to their customers.

Regulatorycompliance is critical in the financial industry because it ensures thatfinancial institutions operate within legal and ethical boundaries.Noncompliance with regulatory requirements can result in significant legal andfinancial penalties, as well as reputational harm.

In thisarticle, we will define regulatory compliance, explain why it is important, anddiscuss how financial institutions can ensure they are in compliance withapplicable regulations.

The process ofensuring that financial institutions operate within legal and ethicalboundaries is referred to as regulatory compliance.

Compliance withlaws, regulations, and guidelines established by regulatory bodies, such as theSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry RegulatoryAuthority (FINRA), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is part of this(CFPB).

Riskmanagement, record keeping, customer due diligence, anti-money laundering, anddata protection are all examples of regulatory compliance activities. To ensurecompliance with relevant regulations, financial institutions must havepolicies, procedures, and controls in place.

What Is the Significance of Regulatory Compliance?

Regulatorycompliance is critical for a number of reasons. To begin with, it protectscustomers from fraud and other unethical practices.

Noncompliantfinancial institutions may engage in activities that harm customers, such asmisrepresenting investment opportunities, charging hidden fees, or failing toprotect customer data.

Second,regulatory compliance contributes to the financial system's stability.Financial institutions that do not follow regulations may engage in activitiesthat endanger the financial system's stability, such as investing in high-riskassets or engaging in predatory lending practices.

Finally,regulatory compliance is critical for financial institutions' reputations.Noncompliance with regulations can result in severe reputational harm, makingit more difficult for financial institutions to attract customers, partners,and investors.

What Steps Can Financial Institutions Take to Ensure Regulatory Compliance?

A set of bestpractices can help financial institutions ensure regulatory compliance. Theseare some examples:

Recognizingrelevant regulations

Financialinstitutions must be well-versed in all relevant regulations and guidelines.This includes staying up to date on any changes to regulations and ensuringthat all employees understand their responsibilities under these regulations.

Puttingin place a compliance program

Financialinstitutions should establish a compliance program that outlines policies,procedures, and controls to ensure regulatory compliance. This program shouldbe reviewed on a regular basis and updated as needed to reflect changes inregulations or operating conditions.

Performingrisk assessments

Regular riskassessments should be conducted by financial institutions to identify potentialareas of noncompliance and to take steps to mitigate these risks. This couldinclude adding more controls, training employees, or changing policies andprocedures.

Staff trainingfinancial institutions should provide regular regulatory compliance training for their employees. Training on relevant regulations, policies, and procedures, aswell as training on ethical behavior and best practices, should be included.

Testingand monitoring

Financialinstitutions should have systems in place to monitor and test regulatorycompliance. This could include routine internal audits, external reviews, orself-evaluations.


Financialinstitutions must have procedures in place to report violations of applicableregulations. This may include required reporting to regulatory bodies,customers, or other stakeholders.

What Are the Consequences of Noncompliance?

Noncompliancewith relevant regulations can result in serious legal, financial, andreputational consequences. These are some examples:


Financialinstitutions that fail to comply with applicable regulations may face legalconsequences, such as fines, penalties, and lawsuits. This can result insignificant financial costs as well as damage to the institution's reputation.


Noncompliancecan also result in financial risks such as lost revenue, higher costs, andreputational harm. Financial institutions, for example, may lose customers orface increased regulatory scrutiny, which can result in additional costs.

Risksto one's reputation

Noncompliancecan also have serious consequences for one's reputation. Financial institutionsthat fail to comply with regulations risk negative publicity, brand damage, anda loss of customer trust.

This can makeit difficult for institutions to attract new customers, partners, or investors,as well as to retain existing ones.


Noncompliancecan also result in operational risks, such as disruptions in businessoperations, data loss, or customer information breaches. These risks can impairfinancial institutions' ability to operate effectively and result insignificant financial costs.

What Are the Main Challenges of Compliance in the Financial Industry in 2023?

The financialsector is determined to tackle compliance issues head on. However, there arestill many pitfalls they should look out for.

On one hand,banks, which are inherently conservative institutions, attempt to achievecompliance throughout their massive scale operations, often by leveraging theirestablished nature and longevity in what concerns relations with governments.

On the other hand,the Fintech and crypto industries while challenging banks, need to ensurethat in their battle against traditionalism they remain compliant in whatconcerns financial technology.

Staying up todate with the constantly evolving regulatory framework and the often-disruptivefinancial technological advances isn’t an easy task, so we’ve highlighted 4 of themost critical areas in which financial institutions on both sides of the aisleshould tread lightly.

  1. Keepingup with consumer laws: historically, consumer laws have consistently presentedthemselves as a challenge. This happens as a direct consequence of having aplethora of laws which need to be upheld and which inherently have anevolutionary nature.
  2. Fightingagainst cyber-attacks: financial institutions are well-known hacker honeypots.As such, maintaining compliance is quintessential as it can make or break anyinstitution within the financial sector. Keeping threats at bay, however, isneither easy nor a straightforward process as regulatory standards evolve (much ofthe time at a slower rate than technological advances).
  3. Datasecurity: threats are one thing, data privacy and data protection, however, arecompletely different. As such, processing data, storing data, and the company’ssecurity procedures need to be in line with the latest compliance frameworks.
  4. Compliancecosts: keeping costs in check when it comes to compliance isn’t always easy.Between the actual costs of keeping up with the rules, there are alsoregulatory fines, the salary of a company’s compliance officers, and many otherthings which should be factored into the equation. As such, a company can losecontrol of its spending really fast which is why it is undeniably important toknow how to properly allocate resources and effectively manage costs.


Regulatorycompliance is critical in the financial industry because it ensures thatfinancial institutions operate within legal and ethical boundaries. Compliancewith relevant regulations is critical for the protection of customers, thestability of the financial system, and the reputation of financialinstitutions.

Understandingrelevant regulations, establishing a compliance program, conducting riskassessments, training staff, monitoring, and testing, and reportingnoncompliance are all best practices that financial institutions can use toensure regulatory compliance.

Noncompliancewith applicable regulations can result in significant legal, financial, andreputational risks, such as fines, penalties, lost revenue, increased costs,and harm to the institution's reputation.

As a result,financial institutions must take regulatory compliance seriously and take allnecessary steps to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

By doing so,financial institutions can operate with confidence, knowing that they areoperating within legal and ethical boundaries and providing the highest levelsof protection and service to their customers.

Regulatory Compliance in the Financial Industry: Why It Matters in 2023 (2024)


Why is compliance important in finance? ›

It helps financial organizations mitigate legal risks, prevent reputational damage and build trust. Understanding the importance of financial compliance (beyond mere adherence to regulations) can help an institution leverage legal requirements to streamline operations instead of viewing them as a burden.

What are the challenges facing the financial services industry in 2023? ›

Fast-forwarding to the results for 2024, the liquidity crisis and resulting bank failures in early 2023, a tougher regulatory environment and push to raise capital, higher funding costs, and expectations of having to manage the business in a “higher for longer” interest rate environment have collectively convinced ...

What is regulatory compliance in finance? ›

Regulatory compliance is the process of complying with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures, standards, and the other rules issued by governments and regulatory bodies like FINRA, SEC, FDA, NERC, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), etc.

What is regulatory compliance and why is it important? ›

Regulatory compliance is the process of adhering to laws, regulations, standards, and other rules set forth by governments and other regulatory bodies. It is an important aspect of doing business, as companies are required to follow certain laws and regulations to maintain their operations.

What is the future of compliance in financial services? ›

The future of compliance in financial services institutions will create long‑term value for their organizations. Through efficient organization and processes, the compliance function of the future has a reduced footprint, lower costs and is an enabler of opportunities in the insights-driven organization.

What is an important purpose of regulations in the finance industry? ›

The goal of regulation is to prevent and investigate fraud, keep markets efficient and transparent, and make sure customers and clients are treated fairly and honestly.

What is the biggest issue facing the financial industry today? ›

Fraud. Fraud poses a growing challenge for the finance sector, and with advancing technologies, it's becoming trickier to tackle. In a recent survey by KPMG, over half of respondents globally reported an increase in both the volume and total value of external fraud.

What is the finance industry outlook 2023? ›

Weakening economic output, rising interest rates and international political tensions will worsen conditions for banks, insurers and fund managers in 2023.

What are the top financial risks for 2023? ›

Looking out 12 months, the five largest year-over-year increases are interest rate risk, geopolitical shifts and regional conflicts, shareholder activist risk pursuant to performance shortfalls (including with respect to ESG expectations), risks related to global trade and changing assumptions underlying globalisation, ...

How to improve regulatory compliance? ›

8 Steps to Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
  1. Determine which regulations are relevant to your business. ...
  2. Identify the specific requirements you need to comply with. ...
  3. Conduct an initial internal audit. ...
  4. Establish and document compliance policies and procedures. ...
  5. Provide your employees with regular compliance training.

How to measure regulatory compliance? ›

Compliance KPIs to measure compliance program performance:
  1. Number of times and how often code and policies are reviewed and/or updated.
  2. Number and nature of code and policy violations.
  3. Culture surveys and knowledge assessments results.
  4. Training reach, medium, frequency, and completion rates.

What are the two ways that regulatory compliance issues? ›

When it comes to regulatory compliance issues in Scrum, they are usually dealt with in two ways:
  • They are addressed along with functional development of the Product. ...
  • They are added to the Product Backlog and addressed in early Sprints while always requiring at least some business functionality, no matter how small.
Dec 5, 2023

What is the most important benefit of compliance with the regulations? ›

Regulatory compliance is important for organizations to avoid fines and penalties, streamline processes and procedures, reduce the risk of security breaches, enhance their reputation, and close deals, especially upmarket.

Why are you interested in regulatory compliance? ›

Regulatory compliance is not only a legal requirement but also a crucial aspect of building trust with consumers and ensuring the safety and efficacy of products.

What is regulatory compliance risk? ›

Regulatory risk is about managing new or changing laws and regulations and creating a strategy to help your organization anticipate and adapt. Compliance risk involves avoiding the potential losses your organization could face by failing to adhere to current industry standards, internal policies, or best practices.

What is compliance and why is it important? ›

Compliance is the act of adhering to a set of rules, such as laws, standards, codes, and policies. Federal, provincial, and municipal governments usually establish these rules to ensure that all the organizations within a city, province, or country legally conduct their business activities.

Why is it important to ensure compliance? ›

A good compliance program won't just help you avoid legal trouble; it will help you create consistency within your business operations, while also defining the how and why of your business practices. A good good compliance program can even help support and strengthen your values and desired company culture.

What is the importance of governance and compliance in finance? ›

Effective financial governance also represents keeping in line with the latest standards. Adherence to the financial laws and regulations plays a vital role in reducing legal as well as reputational risks through the promotion of ethics and responsibility.

Why is compliance important in accounting standards? ›

In accounting, a compliance standard is a set of policies and rules that help companies maintain relevancy and accuracy. Additionally, compliance standards protect a company's security. Of course, standards are only practical when they are observed and enforced.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.