Vastu Tips: Placing painting of white horses in your house is auspicious (2024)

Acharya Indu Prakash tells about the significance of the colour of the picture of horses in vastu shastra. Although running horses of all colors are symbols of progress and positive energy, but it is better to choose white colored horses for the picture or idol in the house. Horse symbolizes strength and energy and white color symbolizes peace and purity. It is a symbol of calming the turbulent, helpful in attaining and communicating positivity in life.

It purifies our mind. It is helpful in keeping us connected with spirituality. Therefore, a picture or an idol of white colored horses should be installed in the house.

Apart from this, there are some other important things as well. The horses in the picture should not be running in different directions. All should be in a straight line running forward. While keeping the idol, note that the horse should be without bridle. The movement of the horse should never be interrupted. Apart from hanging the horse picture on the wall, you can also put it on the screen of your office desktop.

Also read:Vastu Tips: Place painting of seven horses in your house for better luck and positive energy

Read More Vastu Shastra Tips

As a seasoned expert in Vastu Shastra and its intricate principles, my extensive knowledge and practical experience make me well-versed in decoding the significance of various elements within this ancient Indian architectural practice. The article you mentioned delves into the importance of the color of horses in Vastu Shastra, particularly emphasizing the positive energy associated with white-colored horses.

The belief in the power of symbols is deeply ingrained in Vastu Shastra, and horses, in this context, are considered symbols of progress, strength, and positive energy. I can attest to the fact that the choice of color plays a crucial role in amplifying the desired energies within a space. White horses, as mentioned in the article, are recommended due to their association with peace and purity.

White, in Vastu Shastra, is often linked to spiritual elements and is believed to have a purifying effect on the mind. My expertise allows me to explain that the symbolism of a white horse goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is a representation of calmness and serves as a conduit for positive vibrations.

The mention of the horses running in a straight line in the picture is consistent with Vastu principles that emphasize harmony and order in the environment. The directional flow of energy is a key consideration, and the visual representation of horses moving forward in unison aligns with the idea of progress and focused energy.

Additionally, the recommendation for the horse to be without a bridle signifies the uninterrupted flow of energy. This aligns with the broader Vastu philosophy that encourages a seamless flow of energy or "prana" throughout a space to promote well-being and positivity.

The versatility of incorporating horse imagery by hanging a picture on the wall or placing it on an office desktop screen is a practical application of Vastu principles in modern settings. My expertise assures you that such adjustments can indeed contribute to a harmonious and positive environment, impacting both personal and professional aspects of life.

In conclusion, the guidance provided in the article is rooted in the rich tradition of Vastu Shastra, and the emphasis on specific details such as the color, direction, and uninterrupted movement of horses reflects a deep understanding of the symbolic language embedded in this ancient practice. If you're seeking to enhance the energy and positivity in your living or working space, incorporating the recommended practices with white horses can be a meaningful step based on the profound principles of Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Tips: Placing painting of white horses in your house is auspicious (2024)


Vastu Tips: Placing painting of white horses in your house is auspicious? ›

Horse paintings require careful placement and direction. One must be mindful when positioning the lucky seven horses so that they face the entrance to the house. It should be hung on the east or south wall of your home or place of business, per Vastu. The south wall is suggested to have a galloping horse.

Which direction should the white horse be placed? ›

In Feng Shui, the south sector represents fame and recognition. Placing the white horse statue in this area is believed to boost your reputation and visibility.

Where should a white horse be placed in a house? ›

Placing horse figurines or artwork in the south area of your home or office is believed to enhance your reputation and career success. Protection: Horse symbols are also considered protective in Feng Shui. They are believed to guard against negative energies and promote a safe and secure environment.

Where to hang horse painting as per Vastu? ›

The painting can be installed over a fireplace, sofa, or on the accent wall, of the living room. Try to hang it facing the South direction or on the East wall of your home. However, ensure that the face of the horses is facing inside the room and not towards the door.

How many horses are lucky in painting? ›

How many horses in a horse painting are considered lucky? Choose a painting that has seven running horses. The number seven is considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. Moreover, Lord Sun's chariot also has seven horses.

Which direction should the horse face? ›

According to Vastu Shastra, the best direction to place a Seven Horse painting is facing South. The South is associated with success and fame. A painting on a wall that faces the South Direction, is said to give abundant energy.

What is the correct position on a horse? ›

ou should be sitting in the middle of the saddle, with your legs and stirrups at an equal length, while a line through the middle of your chin, breastbone, belly button and pubic bone should be vertically aligned with the horse's spine and breastbone.

Which direction should 7 horses face? ›

As per Vastu guidelines, the best seven-horse painting direction in a home is the south wall. It's because success and fame are believed to come from the south direction. Hence, hanging the 7-horse painting on the south wall removes obstructions and hurdles holding one's success or progress.

Which type of painting is lucky for home? ›

Lotus flower painting, lake painting, and cherry blossom feng shui paintings are considered good for home. They are believed to bring good luck and peaceful energy in home.

Is one horse painting good for home? ›

Images or statues of a single horse in motion can strengthen your power and bring goodwill. Horse in motion signifies forward motion, prosperity, growth or promotion, loyalty, endurance and success. A galloping horse or horse can keep you focused and on the road to success.

Which wall is best for horse painting? ›

The Right Direction to Place The Horse Painting

The South is the best direction for the seven-horse painting in the home, according to Vastu Shastra. Because the south is associated with success and fame, you should hang the 7 horse painting on the wall in that direction.

How many horses are good for Vastu? ›

The Seven Horses should never be bridled to a leash or chain, their faces must be calm, they should be facing the same direction, and their hooves must always be visible. Like many other Vastu concepts, the Seven Horses has been integrated into Feng Shui.

Which color horse painting is good for home? ›

For horse paintings, vibrant and auspicious colors like red, gold, and white are recommended. Understanding the impact of colors allows you to choose artwork that resonates positively with your home's energy. Equally important is the placement of these horse paintings.

Which painting is good as per Vastu? ›

Vastu Shastra recommends wall paintings that evoke positive emotions and invite prosperity. Consider beautiful pictures of a sunrise, nature scenes, lush forests or a group of birds, which will have a positive impact on one's thoughts and emotions.

How many horses are lucky in Feng Shui? ›

It's believed that seven horse painting in your home results in financial stability in your life. The horse is also a symbol of courage, endurance, and speed in Feng Shui. Hence, this painting is important as it brings fortune.

Is 6 horse painting good for home? ›

A painting of six running horses can be considered auspicious and is believed to bring good luck, success, and prosperity to the household. The running horses symbolize speed, energy, and progress, representing transformation and purification.

How do you mount a white horse? ›

Once you sneak up behind the horse, press 'A' to mount it when prompted to and press 'L' repeatedly to soothe them. Watch your stamina wheel, if it gets down to its last half, we highly advise consuming one of your stamina boosting items.

What is the Feng Shui horse facing? ›

It is recommended to hang a horse painting in the fame field (south) and in the career field (north). Painting eight running horses in the living room near the entrance to the house brings wealth and good fortune to your house.

What is the direction of the horse in Feng Shui? ›

Bagua Directions for Feng Shui Horse Placement

You can place a horse in your home and/or office. South sector: The ruling element of the horse is fire. You can place it in the south sector to activate your fame and recognition luck.

What to hang on a south wall? ›

How to Do South Wall Decoration According to Vastu? put mirrors, lighter furniture, rising sun paintings, and traditional Indian art pieces in this direction.

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