Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? (2024)

Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? (1)


Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? (2)

Going to the zoo can be a great adventure, especially if you find poop hurtling in your direction. The likely perpetrators, chimpanzees, are known to sometimes throw their feces at visitors. But what's the reason behind this behavior?

And, more importantly, should you consider yourself lucky to be the center of their attention?

Throwing feces is not a regular occurrence for primates, at least not most of them. Primates in the wild don't normally throw feces, Karen Strier, a professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told Live Science. It's typically observed in captive populations of chimpanzees, although other primates, such as wild howler monkeys in western Belize, are also known to throw poop. [Why Haven't All Primates Evolved into Humans?]

In her research, Strier studies the northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), which may be one of the most peaceful primates in the world. These animals live in the forests of Brazil, and they don't have social hierarchies in their groups. This even-footing might make aggression unnecessary, at least for those monkeys, Strier said.

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), on the other hand, do have hierarchical social groups. They are known to drag tree branches or throw rocks when they are frustrated or annoyed or when they want to display dominance.

"They're capable of expressing so much … they're really good communicators," said Ronnie Steinitz, a doctoral student in the Integrative Anthropological Sciences program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Throwing rocks and branches is part of how these animals communicate, and being a good communicator can be an advantage in their society. For example, a male chimpanzee who can get back on the good side of an alpha male after a fight — meaning he's likely a good communicator — might not get shunned from the group. Experts think that in male chimpanzees reconciling after an aggressive conflict leads to social bonding and helps to establish the hierarchy.

Moreover, a 2012 study published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B suggested that chimpanzees that are better at throwing objects have more developed brains.

Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? (3)

In zoo environments, especially if groups of people are staring at them, the chimps may get riled up or frustrated, and they may decide to convey that emotion to their captive audience.

"Since they're usually deprived of rocks, or branches, or any small objects like that, for this exact reason, they opt for the next best thing that they have within reach, which is usually poop," Steinitz told Live Science. This explains why you might need to take cover next time you're at the ape house.

However, there is a silver lining: If you're not bothering the chimpanzees, you should be flattered that these primates consider you worthy of their poop-throwing attention.

"Think of it as another intelligent being trying to communicate with you," Steinitz said.

Editor's Note: This story was updated to clarify that chimpanzees aren't the only known primates that throw poop.

Originally published on Live Science.

Live Science Contributor

Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? (2024)


Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? ›

During the time of developing relationships with the chimps, there can sometimes be tensions that arise. When a miscommunication occurs, poop may get thrown. Often when newer chimps get a visit from staff they are not yet familiar with, they become confused and sometimes throw their poop.

Why do primates throw feces? ›

Both apes and monkeys are primates.) They found that poop throwing typically displays aggressive behavior, such as hitting or chasing the other chimp. This conduct suggests that throwing poop is a way of communicating hostility.

Why do monkeys smear poop? ›

Animals that lack sufficient stimulation are likely to shift their attention to whatever is available within their cage. Because feces are one of the few items available that can be manipulated, some animals begin touching, smearing, and even eating their feces as a form of stimulation.

Where do chimpanzees poop? ›

Since they do not have control over their bowels like humans do, monkeys poop anywhere they feel like it. Once the poop comes, they let it out. Also, they are arboreal animals, which means they may be found pooping on trees while holding on to something.

Why do chimps throw poop? ›

In movies and cartoons, chimpanzees are shown howling and throwing their poop at people for fun. However, this performance is less common than you may think! Spit and spatter is simply a form of communication (a few exceptions may apply). Chimps display their emotions in various ways.

Do monkeys throw feces at you? ›

Primates in the wild don't normally throw feces, Karen Strier, a professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told Live Science. It's typically observed in captive populations of chimpanzees, although other primates, such as wild howler monkeys in western Belize, are also known to throw poop.

Why do monkeys clap their teeth? ›

For instance, studies have found evidence that teeth chattering plays a key role in macaque social interactions by signaling fondness or submission, among other things.

Why do female monkeys have swollen bums? ›

Baboons breed throughout the year, and mating occurs during times when a female's behind is swollen -- a sign that she may be ovulating. For ten to 20 days each month, the tissue in a female baboon's hindquarters swells up, reaching peak size when a female is most fertile and then shrinking back to normal.

Can chimps cry tears? ›

Monkeys, apes and other simians have nothing quite like our tears. They have tear ducts to help keep their eyes lubricated and clean. But they don't drain when they're sad. Chimps will scrunch up their faces and make noise when they're in distress, but they don't connect the tears and the wailing.

Can chimps be trained to use the toilet? ›

No. Most monkeys cannot be effectively toilet trained. Sometimes, younger monkeys can be partially potty trained, but they lose that ability as they mature. In addition, as they're attempting to potty train, they tend to throw their poop and play with their pee.

Can chimps throw accurately? ›

Humans are remarkable throwers, and the only species that can throw objects fast and accurately. Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, throw very poorly, despite being incredibly strong and athletic.

Do chimpanzees do oral? ›

In addition to standard penetrative encounters, they frequently engage in manual genital massage and oral sex. These positionally creative apes are also the only animal (other than us) to practice tongue-on-tongue kissing or face-to-face penetrative sex.

Do chimps clean their teeth? ›

Monkeys' tool-use includes flossing

The primates keep their teeth clean with improvised floss—bird feathers, coconut fibers, blades of grass, nylon thread—and are the third macaque species found to do so. To get the most of their tools, the monkeys even plan ahead by tearing apart nylon threads before using them.

Have chimpanzees always eaten meat? ›

Meat & Eggs

One of the earliest and most significant discoveries made by Jane Goodall was that chimpanzees hunt for and eat meat. Prior to this, chimpanzees were believed to be vegetarians. However, meat and other animal products can account for 6% of a chimpanzee's diet.

Why do chimpanzees throw stones? ›

The reason is still a mystery, but a new study reveals a clue: The chimps seem to prefer to throw rocks at trees that create a richer, longer lasting sound when struck. This suggests the chimps are chucking the stones either as a method of communication—or simply because they like the sound.

Do chimpanzees throw objects as weapons? ›

"No other animal can throw as man does," he wrote. Darlington described a study in which wild chimpanzees threw 44 objects, but only successfully struck their target five times, and then only when they were within 2m (6.6ft). "Other primates do throw sticks and stones, but only awkwardly…

Do monkeys get diarrhea? ›

Monkeys experiencing chronic diarrhea are prone to dehydration, weight loss, and malnutrition, which if untreated can lead to death or the need for humane euthanasia (Holmberg et al., 1982; Howell et al., 2012; Munoz-Zanzi et al., 1999; Wilk et al., 2008).

Why do monkeys grab you? ›

When monkeys get aggressive, it's usually because they think you have something to eat. According to one study, about three-quarters of all the aggressive interactions between long-tailed macaques and tourists at Bali's Padangtegal Monkey Forest involved food.

Do monkeys know how do you use the toilet? ›

Are monkeys potty trained? A. Most monkeys at Helping Hands are “potty trained.” (By potty trained, we mean that they return to their cage to go to the bathroom.) The floor of the cage is wire mesh and all waste falls through to a pan with papers below.

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One widely supported theory argues that monkeys use urine washing to cool themselves down when temperatures get too high. But new research hints that it's all about social communication.

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Female macaques are more likely to experience org*sm when mating with a high-ranking male. Researchers believe that macaques have sex for pleasure because their sexual behavior is similar to humans. For example, macaques experience elevated heart rates and vagin*l spasms when mating.

Why do monkeys drag human babies? ›

Atuhura says chimps are very curious animals. If they see a mother cuddling a baby, the chimps would wish to emulate that and also carry the baby, he says. The injuries sustained by babies, he says are a result of shrubs and trees scratching the victims but not deliberate injuries afflicted by chimps.

Do female monkeys hump? ›

In a paper published Monday in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers describe seeing female Japanese macaques rubbing their crotches on the backs of sika deer in a way that suggests sexual gratification.

Why can't you show your teeth to monkeys? ›

In almost all other species, especially primates, baring one's teeth is a threat or a show of potential force.

Why do monkeys open their mouth at you? ›

These findings suggest that relaxed open-mouth display serves important functions regarding submission, reconciliation, affiliation and reassurance in coordinating social interactions within OMUs in golden snub-nosed monkeys.

What does lip-smacking mean when monkeys do it? ›

The authors introduce lip-smacking as a submissive signal, whereas it predominantly signifies affiliation (2). Moreover, the authors describe that the fear grin, or bare-teeth display, indicates fear of predators, whereas it is primarily an intraspecific social signal (2).

Why do female monkeys reject their babies? ›

Natural selection has meant that animal mothers reject the weaker offspring to prevent predation by other species and give longevity to their own, bolstering generations of animals to come.

Do female monkeys bleed? ›

Some non-human animal species do menstruate – for example apes, old-world monkeys, elephant shrews (above), many bats and a single rodent: the spiny mouse. Many others have menstrual cycles, but reabsorb the old womb-lining rather than bleed it out.

Why do monkeys have nipples? ›

Answer and Explanation: Monkeys have nipples because they are mammals. Mammals are a unique group of animals that feed their young by producing milk from their mammary glands. The nipples are the structures that deliver the milk from the glands into the mouths of the young.

Can primates throw things? ›

Darlington described a study in which wild chimpanzees threw 44 objects, but only successfully struck their target five times, and then only when they were within 2m (6.6ft). "Other primates do throw sticks and stones, but only awkwardly… Compare this with human throwing.

Do monkeys throw things at each other? ›

However, monkeys and apes – especially chimpanzees, our closest relatives – frequently throw sticks, stones and vegetation during combat with each other and potential predators. Only rarely do they do so while hunting.

Why do monkeys spit out food? ›

In the wild monkeys are very finicky eaters. They sniff, feel and nibble what they eat and often spit out what they don't want, leaving behind a trail of half eaten fruit and leaves on the forest floor. Sometimes this because they eat fruits that have worms and insects in them while leaving undisturbed fruit alone.

What animals use poop to mark their territory? ›

Coyotes use their feces to communicate with others and mark their territory. They leave excrement on the borders of their territory or on paths that they frequent. They will even leave it in the middle of trails, because they want you to find it and know you are in their territory.

Can chimps throw better than humans? ›

Humans are remarkable throwers, and the only species that can throw objects fast and accurately. Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, throw very poorly, despite being incredibly strong and athletic.

What animal can throw the hardest? ›

Primates are the most capable throwers in the animal kingdom, and they typically throw feces as a form of agonistic behavior. Of all primates, humans are by far the most capable throwers. They throw a large variety of projectiles, with a much greater efficacy and accuracy.

Do monkeys cry in pain? ›

Answer and Explanation: Monkeys do not cry, at least not the way we do. Humans are the only primates to respond to feelings of extreme grief, anguish, pain, sadness, or frustration by releasing tears and weeping.

Do monkeys pleasure each other? ›

Similar same-sex sexual behaviours occur in both male and female macaques. It is thought to be done for pleasure as an erect male mounts and thrusts upon or into another male. Sexual receptivity can also be indicated by red faces and shrieking.

Did humans evolve to throw? ›

Early humans evolved to throw about two millions years ago, according to new research. Anatomy changes found in the extinct species hom*o erectus allowed this ability to develop. Archaeological evidence suggests hunting intensified during this time, which scientists now attribute to the ability to throw.

Do monkeys get angry? ›

When monkeys get aggressive, it's usually because they think you have something to eat. According to one study, about three-quarters of all the aggressive interactions between long-tailed macaques and tourists at Bali's Padangtegal Monkey Forest involved food.

Do monkeys give oral? ›

Oral sex has been observed throughout the animal kingdom, from dolphins to primates. Bonobos have been observed to transition from a simple demonstration of affection to non-penetrative genital stimulation. Animals perform oral sex by licking, sucking or nuzzling the genitals of their partner.

What smell do monkeys hate? ›

The chemical Capsaicincontained in chilli is an excellent repellent against monkeys, squirrels, and some other wild animals. Farmers who grow chilli will also benefit from an extra source of income.

Why do humans eat meat but monkeys don't? ›

Human meat-eating is quite different from that of other primates. Meat is a key source of energy for many of us modern humans and our ancestors. And while other primates feed on prey much smaller than themselves, we hunt animals larger than ourselves.

What animal has white poop? ›

The white color of droppings is from the nitrogen content in the feces. Birds, reptiles, and amphibians all can have white in their droppings.

Why is my poop green? ›

Food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly, such as due to diarrhea. As a result, bile doesn't have time to break down completely. Green leafy vegetables, green food coloring, such as in flavored drink mixes or ice pops, iron supplements. A lack of bile in stool.

What animal has curly poop? ›

Possum droppings are fairly large and may be confused with dog feces. They are about one to two inches in length and about ¾ of an inch in diameter. They taper at the ends and tend to curl.

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